Etuk Factory
In the business of Electric Mobility since 2009
Etuk Factory has been in the business of Electric Mobility since 2009. Many tourists are using the electric threewheelers of Etuk sightseeing the innercities of Europe. The 15 years of electric mobility knowledge was all taken into the SmarTuk solution.
Driving the SmarTuk regardless weather conditions already with a scooter license and being able to adjust the clean modular battery system according to the geographic conditions and functionality make customers part of the optimal solution.
The SmarTuk is actually smart being able to provide us data to improve the optimal driving and battery conditions. We can build the battery as good as we have it today but we want it to be used in the right way as well. In close cooperation with users we secure continuous functionality improvement.
Our smart electric vehicles, power management solutions, mobility tech, and service network are revolutionizing E-Mobility.

Last mile
With a smile
7,6 kWh
0-40 km/h in 8 sec.
Due to the inhouse development and manufacturing of battery packs, they can be customized according to customer needs. This securing optimal functionality of the vehicle.

Last mile
With a smile
Etuk Factory is covering a large global network of distributors and partners for the rigth link please sent a mail to us using this form.
Our business locations can be found in
Utrecht, Nederland
Santo Tirso, Portugal
Richmond – Virginia, USA
Bangkok, Thailand
For all questions and connections please refer to your nearest location.